Naidoc Week smoking ceremony

NAIDOC Week 2022

During NAIDOC Week Grand Central held several events to further their commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.



Grand Central’s Artists in Residence collaboratively created CHAMPIONS for the FUTURE to inspire our young people to live up to their full potential; to GET UP, STAND UP and SHOW UP in all aspects of their lives.

Indigenous Artists Cheryl Moggs OAM, David ‘Dook’ McCarthy, Aaron (Dhuril) Blades, and curator Jennifer Wright (Summers) transformed the Community Library space by live-painting in-store throughout NAIDOC week 2022.


Grand Central NAIDOC Arts and Craft Market

Grand Central hosted their first NAIDOC Arts and Craft Market to round out NAIDOC Week celebrations. The markets featured six Indigenous owned and run businesses selling art, weaving, clothing, accessories, kitchenware and body products.

Indigenous musician Sue Ray provided live music for the day keeping the crowd entertained on the Grand Staircase.


Smoking Ceremony

Indigenous Elder Conrad Bawens conducted a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony at the NAIDOC Arts and Craft Markets.

He burnt Gumbi Gumbi and other native plants to ensure healing smoke was released for those in the crowd to walk through.

We thank Conrad for sharing this cultural practice with us.


Acknowledgement of Country Decals

Grand Central now has an Acknowledgement of Country on all entrances of our building. This Acknowledgement further extends Grand Central’s commitment to deliver QIC’s Reconciliation Action Plan.

The Acknowledgment decal features artwork from Indigenous Artist Cheryl Moggs OAM – 'I am my Mothers Teacher'

Acknowledgement of Country


National Launch of ‘I am my Mothers Teacher’

Grand Central, as part of the National collective of QIC Shopping Centres, launched their new art initiative and program in partnership with award-winning Aboriginal artist, Cheryl Moggs OAM.

Cheryl, a proud descendant of the Bigambul people of Goondiwindi, has created a symbol of community, people and place to represent Grand Central’s welcoming and inclusive shopping space, through the commissioned artwork 'I am my Mothers Teacher'

To pay ongoing respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Moggs’ artwork was unveiled and featured across Grand Central’s internal digital screen displays, social media platforms and website, as well as installed as a feature in the Centre Management office. The artwork has also been created into a Lapel Pin for staff to wear to show their ongoing commitment to the project.


National naidoc week launch